Tutorial for "VideoScribe makes your sketchbook come alive"

  • Hi!

    I was very impressed by this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxzEFh8TVjs

    In the comment field on youtube there seamed to be a tutorial or some hints coming up soon. What is the status? I'd love to be able to do this with VideoScribe and it would make the tool even more useful. 


  • Hi,

    this video was created quite a while ago and the person who created it no longer has the assets associated with it.

    I will try to find out some more information about how it was done.


  • Hi, 

    This is what I would love to use videoscribe for, a more artistic way of expressing the lines...if there is no tutorial for this please could you point me in a direction that explains how I can manipulate artistic ( watercolour and charcoal etc) brushes so video scribe sees them as a single bezier point?

    Appreciate your time.

    : Lisa

  • I would say the youtube video is more about the person than it is about Video Scribe. He is probably a talented illustrator, drew his images and than used something like illustrator to add a pat for video scribe to follow.

    If you can draw, you can really make some nice vids in VS.


  • Hi again!

    There is no doubt the person who did that video is a talented artist. But my question is not about the artistic skills but how he/she made use of watercolor and charcoal pens. I tried to do the same but failed.

    In the nice tutorials for VideoScribe I learnt 2 different methods of how to create my own .svg files in Illustrator.

    A. Basic brush
    As long as I use the basic brush I can draw pretty much whatever I want. I can change size and opacity of the brush but nothing more.

    B. Creative brushes
    If I want to use other brushes than the basic round dot (calligraphy, charcoal, watercolor) I must use a different method. I must add a "mask line" as an extra layer on top of my creative brush stroke and then let VideoScribe gradually dissolve that mask line. But this ONLY work if I never cross lines. And honestly, how often does that happen? (In the tutorial he draws a spiral where the lines never cross.)

    Or maybe I need to use a new layer every time I cross lines, but then it would take too much effort. A second problem with method B is that the mask line needs to be pretty broad to fully cover my brush stroke underneath.

    In the video I was impressed by, the artist have somehow managed to overcome the difficulties. He/she is using a mix of charcoal and watercolor brushes and the lines cross all the time. How is this done?

    Best regards


  • I agree wholeheartedly with you Jonas, yes he may be talented Dan but thats what watercolour brushes do, they make art beautiful and easy, which is why I am so frustrated that all we have available to us in Vidoescribe are horrible black lines, or outline shapes etc, I left Videoscribe because it was so flat and uninspiring, I love the concept and have had to join again as I need the animation format. I am not a graphic or techno junkie, but a creative always needing new ways to expand without having to relearn entire programs that take weeks of my time...I think that Ian ( the guy who made the original sketchbook) as a founder of Videoscribe should have shared this knowledge as it is 2 years old already!! That means 2 years of beautiful scribes lost!! 

    Feeling disappointed 

    ; Lisa

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