timeline bar

  • Hi,

    The timeline bar on my trial version does not show up. The thumbnail are gone and the canvas has stuff on it. I am running Mac Maverick 10.9.4.  I need to rectify this before submitting for company purchase. Please advise.

    (35.6 KB)
  • Hi,

    does the timeline show up if you close videscribe and open it again?

    If not you could save the scribe to your online directory, let me know the name and I can take a look.


  • I tried a save version to disk and open it on a PC Window 8 and they show up. I thinking that I might have too much jpeg?

  • Yes, this is a possibility.

    Videoscribe works best if you optimize ALL of your images for good quality and small file sizes.

    Properly prepared JPG and PNG images can usually be in the 1-500 KB range. 

    If you are using images that are more than 1 MB then they are probably larger than necessary and may be causing out-of-memory problems (the file sizes I provided are only a rough guideline) .

    For JPG and PNG images: the dimensions of the image probably do not need to be larger than the dimensions of the finished video. 

    GIMP and photoshop and other programs offer methods for saving images with smaller file sizes without noticeable reduction in image quality.

    Is VideoScribe fully up to date on the Mac?

    Please download and install the latest version from our website.


  • Hi,

    I cannot see a scribe with that name on your online directory.

    On the project screen, select the scribe you wish to save online.

    Select the cloud storage icon. Your scribe is now saved to the cloud.


  • I have the same problem.The file name is SmartStudy Homepage Video. Thanks!  

  • Sorry you have this problem.

    I had a look at that scribe and it loaded okay with the timeline.

    There were 2 elements that were not readable so I deleted them and added this to your online directory.

    If you have further issues, please Create a support ticket and we can investigate further.