Export for another person to edit

  • Hi - if I export a file, can someone else edit that file as if they had produced it themselves?


  • Yes, you can attach it to an email and send it to them or transfer it via USB drive.

    How to import and export scribes with VideoScribe. Import and export your work as editable scribe files (.SCRIBE).

    Export scribes

    If you're on the canvas, press the save button, name your scribe and select the USB/ floppy disk icon. Choose a destination on your computer to save to.If you're on the project screen, select the project you want to save to your computer and select the USB/ floppy disk icon. Choose a destination on your computer to save to.Import scribe files

    On the project screen, select the folder icon in the bottom right.Select your scribe on your computer and click 'Open'. The scribe will open in VideoScribe

  • Can you also export via DropBox? Or open a scribe video after it has been published?

  • You cannot open a rendered video (mov, wmv, flv...) in videoscribe or edit a rendered video in videoscribe.

    Using videoscribe, you can only open or edit .scribe files that have been imported, or work files that have been saved locally or online by the same account.

    You can save your scribe work as a .scribe file and then upload the .scribe file to dropbox manually (or email it or put it on a USB drive etc) if you prefer to share it that way.

    -Mike (videoscribe user)

  • Hi, Can I do the same if I created the file on the app on my phone? How could I send this to someone else to edit? Cheers
  • I'm not sure, but I think you can save the scribe to the cloud folder (online) using the same login info that you used to login to this website. Then, on this website, you can click the ACCOUNT link, and find your saved scribes and export them as .scribe files.

    -Mike (videoscribe user)

  • It's not currently possible to download your online scribes from the website. You would need to save the project to your online directory from your phone, load it in the desktop version of VideoScribe and export it as a .scribe file from there.

  • So how do I transfer an unfinished video from Anywhere VideoScribe on my iPad to my VideoScribe account where I can make the final edits?


  • You can save it to the online directory from your ipad, then open it from the online directory using the same login information on your computer.

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