Title for my presentation

  • Hi, 

    I am developing a video course where I need to keep the course title always on the top and author name always at the bottom of the screen.

    Is there any way I can do it?

  • I believe that you will either have to:
    1) use any video editing program that can add a watermark
    2) manually add the title and name to each scene/camera position in your videoscribe

    There is also probably a suggestion thread about this in the suggestions section that you could "LIKE" to see the feature added in the future.

    -Mike (videoscribe user)


  • Thanks Mike for your reply.

    1. In the Pro Version (monthly subscription) will the Videoscribe watermark on the right bottom be displayed?

    2. If we buy Pro version is there any option to have our custom image similar to how the Videoscribe logo is displayed in demo version?

  • In the Pro version the VideoScribe logo will not be displayed on the canvas.

    To have a different logo appear on each scene of your scribe you would need to add it to each scene and position it manually. There is not currently any function to have a logo appear automatically.

    Please add this as a feature request on our Ideas and feature requests section and it will be considered for inclusion in a future release.

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