Grouping obects and animating two obects simultaneously

  • I am trying to create seesaw effect with files at both ends i am unable to do so.

    Can i group two objects at the same time so that i can move the flies and slide both together.

    More files on one end of the bar --- slide goes down while the other end having less files the bar moves up along with the files.

    Please suggest. 

  • Hi Praveen,

    Thanks for getting in touch.

    This is currently not a feature in VideoScribe.

    You can create a single SVG file with multiple images so they behave as on when imported in to VideoScribe.

    This Instant Answer explains how you do this.

  • Hi, 

    Another question, I need to charge mu account for next one year 

    Please help and let me know the next steps

  • Praveen, Your annual subscription will automatically renew on the 30th November. But at the moment we have a proce reduction in place and your subscription will renew at it's original price. So I would recommend cancelling your current subscription then visiting once that subscription has expired and taking out a brand new one. That way you will pay $144.00 instead of $198.00.

  • So should i cancel it now ? or wait till the last day.

    As i dont want it disrupt my current projects i am working on. 

    And will this remove all my previous work?

  • one more querie.

    Recently i have been facing lot of issues. 

    1 - for a particular object i had sent no hand which means it should draw or appear on its own 

    this when i view it / play it its works fine but when i convert into a video the hand is shown.

    Can you please help me to resolve this.

  • Praveen, That one's a known bug and if I am right the element before that hand will have 0sec draw/pause/transition time. To get round this just add a minimum of 0.1sec to either the draw, pause or transition and then VideoScribe will apply the custom hand you have set for the next element. This is a known bug and we are working on releasing a fix for this in v2.3.2 which will be out next month.

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