error loading scribe file

  • Hello. I seem to be having some problem loading one of my previously previously saved scribes (Videoscribe hangs on the initial rendering at about 90%). Could anyone advise on how to proceed?

    2 people have this question
  • Looks like the last element in the scribe is corrupt.

    Removing that line of code has fixed it- you'll be able to import it back into VideoScribe 

  • I have the same problem! Can you fix it for me aswel? 

  • I have the same problem, can you please fix for me. I can only load one quarter of the file. 

  • Seems I am not the only one with a loading error and a total system freeze on the Mac.

    I would really appreciate some assistance and wonder if you cud help me out on this one!!

    I am a fysiotherapist in the Netherlands and spent already some 6hours on producing the above mentioned file.  

    Thx in advance!

  • image

  •  (be sure to raise a ticket, in case support does not happen to visit this thread immediately)

    -Mike (videoscribe user)

  • Thx Mike!


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