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What languages and fonts would you like to see?

In Progress
  • Hey D Solo, the quality of the old imported fonts was our issue as the fonts were fine it was just the conversion process to drawable characters that caused the quality issues. People also (rightly) blamed us for this. We made the change because kerning, lanuage support and font quality were some of the biggest requests we had. 

    • Kerning was the 3rd biggest unimplemented feature request at the time. 
    • Arabic RTL and cursive was the 4th biggest
    • Hindi was the 6th and while that didn't work out at the first attempt we are about a week away from an update to support that

    So this change implemented 3 of the top 10 things customers were asking for and a lot of other smaller things as well. It was also just the start with more high quality fonts and more languages on the way.

    I believe from a post you made on another topic it's Tamil support you are after? That would not have been available in the older font engine either. You could only import Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Armenian, Hebrew and Arabic characters regardless of what the font contained. They would not have written right to left, or cursive either. 

  • I just need one font at this time which is Montserrat and also available on google fonts,

    Here is the link for that, it would be great if we had this font in Videoscribe,

    There is a Montserrat alternative available in video scribe but not a simple Montserrat.

  • Hi, there,

    I've been using Videosribe for more than 8 years now, so you can be confident that I'm a fan and regard it as a hugely useful tool in my business.

    I'm fortunate in that I have maintained an earlier version of Videoscribe on my desktop but understand this may be withdrawn in the future.

    Two of my major clients (who, together, account for approximately 80% of my whiteboard projects) both insist I use Felt Tip Roman in the animations I create for them. While I understand there is a workaround, whereby I can copy and paste from earlier projects, this is not ideal.

    Clearly, I don't want to disappoint, upset or, worse, lose these clients, so it would be an enormous help to me if you were to include the Felt Tip Roman family in your next update.

    Many thanks :)






  • Hello All. Some good news on the supported languages front. Hindi support has been relaunched and we've also made some big improvments to Arabic too

    Upgrade to v3.9 of VideoScribe to give it a try. 

  • With regards the most recent requests

    • Montserrat has been requested before so that's the 2nd request for this font and that'll help it's chances!
    • Felt Tip Roman is not a Google Font so we won't be considering that request 
  • So, to be clear, Barry, can we only request Google Fonts?

  • That's correct Ivan

  • Hello.  Could you install Montserrat (semi bold) if its not there already. Thank you

  • Hi,

    Could you please add (MV Boli) font? It's available in Google Fonts.

    Thank you very much

  • MV Boli is not a Google Font, it's a Microsoft font, there's just an external link out to it on the Google site

  • I would like some more "handwritten" type fonts but ones that are still highly readable, one of the following would be great 

     Indie Flower, shadows into light, architects daughter, caveat, courgette, merienda, Marck script,


  • Sandokhane - Thanks for those requests, that's the 2nd vote fo Cairo now.

    Richard - Caveat & Courgette are already on the supported list, they were in the original 60. I've added the other to the request list and that's the 3rd request for Architects Daughter so that's got a good chance of being included in the next update.

  • Hello,

    I would really need "Telegraf" as a font option. Is this font already planed? 


    All the best.

  • Hello Larissa. You can only request Google Fonts (see

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